Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Keeping Track

I should really write entries with the blog. I never write anything down about what happens to us or where we go and the funny things Emma says, so I am going to try harder to do that here. Last time I quit doing the writing because Alex always had something to say about my grammar and spelling. So.... he isn't allowed to tell me what he thinks about my writing issues. Did you hear that? No comments about my writing issues! :)

Emma started summer camp yesterday. She goes from 9-2. She has a hard time when I drop her off, but she loves it once she gets going. The only problem is she doesn't get a long enough nap there, so she is a grouch when she gets home!

This morning we were getting ready to go and she pulled some impossibly tiny thing off her finger and asked me what it was. I said, "I don't know, it is microscopic. I would need a microscope to see it". Then she said, "I want a microscope". So there is a good Christmas idea. Ha! Can you imagine. The other two year olds are playing in the sand and she is looking the sand under her microscope instead. Go figure.

I have been worried about what I am going to do with myself since she is away so long. I am finding things to do, like write on the blog!

1 comment:

erika said...

Yeah Summer camp. Funny enough, Jasper started his 'school' yesterday and I wish I could say that it went as well. But, of course, it's Jasper, and, of course, it didn't.